Number of results per keyword
How does my share of search vary by number of keywords?
An additional filter on the share of search card now allows to view the share by number of results per keyword. Select 5, 10 or 20 to see how the brand search performance varies as the number of results vary.
Watch out for brands that perform well with consistent share of search at 5 as well as 20
Additional information for the share
Are there keywords that does not have any result? If yes, how many of them are there?
On mouseover of the score by merchants, additional info the number of search keywords, keywords with missing results, and average number of results per keyword is displayed. In the keyword grid for brands that have a large number of keyword set, the number of keywords per brand and merchant that appears in the keyword grid is restricted to top 10. The full list of keywords is available on export from the dashboard.
Trend based on common keywords
How is my share of search performing across keywords that have consistent results?
An additional "Show trend using common keyword" checkbox allows you to analyze how the brand share of search performs with a common set of keywords.
Search competitors
Who are my key search competitors?
Use the Shopalyst share of search competitor analysis card to see which brands are your key search competitors. This card now supports a new "Search Competitors" type. Select this option and see the top brands that make up the Search share, or use the export option for the full list of brands.
~Team Shopalyst