You can host/serve Shopalyst landing pages using your custom domain e.g. shop.<brand>.com. There are two options you can use to go live with custom domains:
Option 1: Shopalyst will register and own the custom domain, this process does not require any action to be taken by the brand apart from the domain verification process on Facebook Business Manager. Instructions to verify your domain on FB are available in this article
This option requires 24-48 hours to register and activate the custom domain
Option 2: Brand to register and own the custom domain, this requires the following steps to be performed by the Brand and Shopalyst together
Step | Action | Owner |
1 | Setup brand domain (e.g. shop.<brand>.com) | Brand |
2 | Domain validation for Cloudfront SSL certificate configuration | Shopalyst/Brand |
3 | Configure SSL Certificate for brand domain | Shopalyst |
4 | Setup Shopalyst landing page and share Cloudfront endpoint with brand | Shopalyst |
5 | Configure routing of Brand domain to Shopalyst CloudFront endpoint | Brand |
You need to raise a request with our support team with the following details if you want to create a custom domain for your landing pages, instructions to raise a ticket are available in this article.