Widget Name: Buy Now Image

This widget is to make the banner clickable and attach a specific product to it, this will allow users to shop for the product and provides the shopping option from multiple retailers.

Steps to add "Buy Now Image" for your campaign:


Step 1: Log into the Discovery Commerce Platform of the specific region. For example: IN - https://app-in.shortlyst.com/experience/admin/inbox 

Step 2: Go to ‘Create the landing page’, select the brand, and enter the landing page name and end date. Click on ‘Create your Story’

Step 3: Select the Buy Now Image widget.

Step 4: Enter Segment Title and click on Add New to insert or upload the banner, as shown in the below image.

Step 5: Upon click, you enter Add Buy Now Image Set will pop up, enter the image URL or click on the Upload button to upload the image/banner. 

Note: Please ensure that the image has a call to action, like Buy Now, which would clearly indicate that the image can be clicked

Search for the products you wish to add to the image under Search by EAN or Title. By using either their EAN or title OR you can add the desired product by selecting the next page. (You can select multiple products, But we recommend selecting a single product ) and once the selection is done click on the Save button to add the product as shown in the image and then you will be redirected to the widgets selection page.

Step 6: Upon Completion of step 3 you will be redirected to Add Buy Now image Window which will appear shown in the below image. And then click on the Add button to add the Buy Now image to your LP.

Step 7: Click On the save and proceed button to save the LP and then you can see the Buy Now Image as shown in the below screen grab.

Looking for more help? Instructions to reach out to the support team are here.