Widget Name: Video
This widget allows you to add Youtube videos to your landing page.
Follow the instructions mentioned below in order to add a Video to your landing page.
Step 1: Select the Video from the widget list
Step 2: Choose the display options as mentioned in the following image
Step 3: Add a title for the video if required
Step 4: There are 2 options to add Youtube videos using this widget, you can add multiple videos as well
Option 1: Select the available videos from the list
Option 2: Enter the video URL from Youtube
Step 5: Selected videos will have a green tick and click "ADD' upon verifying the selected videos.
An example landing page is available here
Videos must be indexed by Shopalyt in order to list them in the video library, contact the support team to have the videos added to the library, instructions for reaching out to the support are available in this article