Widget Name: PRODUCT SET

You can use this widget when you want to group a set of EANs of the same pattern/style/segment. For example, when you want to group the lipsticks belonging to the same shade, you can simply group the products into the widget. 

Steps to add the Product Set Widget to your landing page are available below:

Step 1: Select the widget - PRODUCT SET

Step 2: Add a title, you can also adjust the alignment of the title to left, right, or center. 

Step 3: Click on “Add New”. Enter the title to the product set.

Step 4: Setup an image for the product set. We recommend keeping it a square image i.e., 500x500 px

Step 5: You can search for the product using the EAN or select from the available list. 

Step 6: Click on “Add” and then “Save & Proceed

Are you looking for more help? Instructions to reach out to the support team are here