The Landing page Reports tab provides you with the detailed metrics of your campaigns with multiple dimensions, which can be downloaded for further analysis.

Steps to access the Landing Page Reports tab from All Landing pages are mentioned below:

  1. Login to Discovery Commerce Platform

  2. Click on Performance App from the list of apps on the left grid

  3. Click on the Landing Page Reports tab

  4. Select the brand and date range and click Apply

  5. Click on the Performance Icon under the Performance column

  6. Click on the Download icon which consist of 3 options to Download
    • Channel Metrics: The Channel metrics cover activity that occurred across your entire channel. It has the information about UTM parameters with the chosen date.
    • Viewed products: The products that have been viewed by the users. It consists of information about EANS, Product titles, and Merchants that are featured in the particular campaign.
    • Converted products: The products that has been purchased by the customer. It consist information about EANS, product titles, Merchants and conversion count.

Looking for more help? Instructions to reach out to the support team are here.