Let's begin the process of updating campaigns using the plan upload feature, and please note campaign update feature is only available on the Facebook platform.
- To update your media plan, go to the "plan upload" screen in the "Advertising Automation," click on the "upload media plan" button, and then navigate to the "Update Campaign" tab.
- Choose the media platform, advertiser ID, and brand name, and then download the template as shown in the screenshot below.
- The upload template contains two tabs: "Instructions" and "Data Sheet." Review the instructions in the sheet carefully before updating the template. To ensure a successful upload, ensure that all mandatory fields are filled in.
- Once you have filled out the template, upload it and click on "Create Campaign." If the upload is completed, you will be directed to the "plan upload" screen.
- Review the status of your upload under the plan upload screen, to know more about the various status icon values based on their state can be viewed below:
Status Color Description Saved The campaign has been created and not yet published. Queued One of the campaign actions (like publish, reserve audience, etc) is in queue,waiting for completion. Publish failed The upload process has been failed. Campaign published in platform The campaign is published and live on the platform. Campaign inactive in platform The campaign is inactive on the platform due to one of the possible reasons:
- Paused on platform
- End date has passed
6. The estimated time of completion can be viewed by hovering the mouse over the status icon.
7. To identify errors that may have caused a failed upload, follow the steps provided here.
Looking for more help? Instructions to reach out to support are here.