SSO setup requires coordination with your organization’s IT administrator. Please contact your admin to complete the necessary configurations before proceeding.

1. App setup on customer’s IDP dashboard

  • You need to setup app integration using your organization's IDP dashboard. Guidelines for this depends on the IDP that your organization using (refer related articles in the bottom) and the protocol to be used for SSO (OIDC recommended). 
  • During the app setup, you'll be prompted for a redirect URL. Use the appropriate one from the list below
    Protocol IDProvidersRedirect URL
    OIDCOkta & Google

2. Retrieve app and other relevant details

  • You need to share the app credentials as a result of app setup along with any other relevant information with us. 
  • The details that we need may vary depending on the protocol and provider, check below details that is needed for Shopalyst to setup across protocol and providers.
    providerprotocolDetails to  share     with Shopalyst
    oktaoidcclientId,  clientSecret & oktaDomain
    microsoftoidcclientId,  clientSecret & tenant
    googleoidcclientId & clientSecret 
  • Once the SSO setup is completed, you will be notified with an E-mail. Your next login with the platform takes you through the SSO login.

Related articles

AppReference article
Okta OIDCCreate OIDC app integrations
Microsoft Entra OIDCCode flow
  Okta SAML
You will need to create an additional OIDC app as given in this article