This article describes the Shopalyst Discovery Commerce Cloud platform's Service Level and Support Availability. A full description of the Service Level Agreement can be found here

Service Availability

Coverage parameters specific to the service(s) covered under the Agreement are as follows. 

  • Ticket support: Monitored 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday – Friday (Except Public Holidays)
  • Tickets received outside of office hours will be collected. however, no action can be guaranteed until the next working day
  • The support language is English

Shopalyst Service level Availability

In support of services outlined in this SLA, Shopalyst will respond to service-related incidents and/or requests submitted by the Customer according to the Severity levels described below

Response Time
Resolution Time
Critical2 hours8 hours
High4 hours24 hours
24 hours3 days
Low24 hours
1 week

Definition of various terms are as follows:

In support of services outlined in this SLA, Shopalyst will respond to service-related incidents and/or requests submitted by the Customer according to the Severity levels described below

Response time: Time elapsed between when a service request is raised and Shopalyst makes the first communication in response to the request

Resolution time: Time spent by Shopalyst working on a service request between when it is raised and when it is first marked as closed or resolved by Shopalyst. Any time spent awaiting additional information from the client is not included.

Shopalyst will communicate back to the Incident Initiator a ticket reference number that can be used for further follow-up.