This section has details of the factors that impact the on-shelf availability score of a brand under a selected category.
Shown below is the L3 view(in-depth view) of on-shelf availability.
All the 3 merchant details would be available for the selected brand.
Average availability: This section shows the on-shelf availability score of the brand on the selected merchant for the last 3 months with the growth/de-growth percentage highlighted.
Product distribution: This section shows the number of products that fall under each availability range. The illustration shows that out of the 9 products of this brand that are available in the selected merchant, 1 product (11.1%) is available in the availability range of 25%
Availability comparison: This section shows the selected brand's availability for the selected merchant, and also this view enables you to compare your brand's availability with the other top brands of the category and the availability score of the category itself.
Brand availability group: This section shows the top 5 brands inclusive of the selected brand. The number of products within the brand is segregated based on the availability range.
Top available products: Also the top products of the brand can be seen in this section
You can click on the link and see the product details on the merchant in a pop-up along with the availability calendar of the particular product for the month under buyability metric.
To understand the next element under buyability - pricing & discounting in detail click here
Want to know what all Shopalyst has under BKG, the brand knowledge graph? Click here for an overview of the Shopalyst BKG leaderboard for the first-time users
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