We are pleased to announce the launch of a new page on the DV360 configuration that enhances your ability to manage SDF (Structured Data File) versions for each advertiser. This feature is designed to ensure accurate campaign configuration and provide flexibility during SDF version upgrades.

Key Highlights

1. SDF Version Display

  • All advertisers are now listed on the DV360 configuration page along with the current SDF version available for download.
  • The SDF version is synchronised directly from DV360 against each advertiser, ensuring that every campaign is assigned the correct SDF version. This version is highlighted in a green bubble for easy identification.

2. Additional SDF Version

  • Shopalyst will provide an additional SDF version as needed, highlighted in blue bubble.
  • Users can download SDFs in two different versions for a campaign, which is especially useful during version upgrades when both the old and new versions may be required simultaneously.
  • If you require the additional SDF version, please contact our operations team. Our team will assist you in enabling this feature and ensuring you have access to both SDF versions as needed.


  • Accurate Campaign Configuration: Ensure that each campaign is configured with the correct SDF version fetched directly from DV360.
  • Version Flexibility: Easily access and download multiple SDF versions during transition periods, minimizing disruptions and maintaining campaign integrity.

Know more about DV360 version management in the following articles: